Running thread: how did they manage to alter our history?


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Jan 11, 2021
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A running thread for speculations and discourse on the seemingly improbable and often paradoxical implications of the the study of stolen history.


Aristotle (whoever he was) wrote a book called Metaphyics. The point (and inside joke) of the title is that the unearthly or spiritual should only be studied after the study of physics. The orientation of stolen history has always been an investigation of physical facts first. Brick counts, submarine photographs from the 1860s, ethnological descriptions of flatheads, the size of Napoleon's wagon train... provide the starting points.

With improbable and paradoxical conclusions based on primary investigations, however, we come to the point that only meta-physical explanations (in the the sense that the physics we know fails) can help us explain what we intuit, perceive and know.
  • “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”- Arthur C. Clarke
One of the biggest questions I've always had pertains to the construction techniques used in some of these buildings. After 20 years in the construction industry (mostly concrete), I know how much material is left over at the end of a large project. I've always wondered where are the scaffolds? Where are the forms? Some of these materials were obviously cast as a liquid that hardened. Where are the molds? For these gigantic buildings with millions of bricks, where were the bricks made? What happened to the giant kilns that would have been needed?
I've always wondered where are the scaffolds? Where are the forms? Some of these materials were obviously cast as a liquid that hardened.
Some of these can be found in older publications.

The issue that I see is a mismatch between the available technology we see in the texts dated with "ancient" times and up to about 1850s, and the physical evidence primarily related to architecture and various pieces of infrastructure. Not limited to architecture, for we have things like these as well:
Watches and devices of this nature require specific tools and education to produce. What tools did they use and what tools did they use to produce the tools they used to build there watches, and mechanical devices? Then we have draft/project drawings normally required to build a structure, design watch or a device. What did they use to draw? They sure could not use ink and a goose feather quill to create blueprints. When one reads the history of a pencil, it's so convoluted, lol.

When did they invent a pencil? The article ia all over the place, but it appears that more or less usable pencil came out in 1795.
  • The first attempt to manufacture graphite sticks from powdered graphite was in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1662. It used a mixture of graphite, sulphur, and antimony.
  • English and German pencils were not available to the French during the Napoleonic Wars; France, under naval blockade imposed by Great Britain, was unable to import the pure graphite sticks from the British Grey Knotts mines – the only known source in the world.
  • France was also unable to import the inferior German graphite pencil substitute. It took the efforts of an officer in Napoleon's army to change this.
  • In 1795, Nicolas-Jacques Conté discovered a method of mixing powdered graphite with clay and forming the mixture into rods that were then fired in a kiln.
  • This method of manufacture, which had been earlier discovered by the Austrian Joseph Hardtmuth, the founder of the Koh-I-Noor in 1790, remains in use.
Did Napoleon fight over pencils? Lol.

And here is the "modern" pencil inventor.
  • Nicolas-Jacques Conté (1755 – 1805) was a French painter, balloonist, army officer, and inventor of the modern pencil.

Then, we have pencils in America. These dates I am unable to understand, for they make no sense when compared to the above-mentioned dates.
  • American colonists imported pencils from Europe until after the American Revolution.
  • Benjamin Franklin advertised pencils for sale in his Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729, and George Washington used a three inches (7.5 cm) pencil when he surveyed the Ohio Country in 1762.
  • William Munroe, a cabinetmaker in Concord, Massachusetts, made the first American wood pencils in 1812.
Like, who produced them pencils Franklin advertised for sale in 1729? Where did he get them from? And I don't even want to start on Franklin, What a natural dude.
  • Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) was an American polymath who was active as a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher, and political philosopher.
  • A polymath is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.
Here is the oldest pencil in the world, found in timbered house built in 1630.
  • Remember: the first attempt to manufacture graphite sticks from powdered graphite was in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1662.



So, if you understand when they started using pencils, please let me know :)
This stuff just cracks me up. They say:
  • Graphite came into widespread use following the discovery of a large graphite deposit in Borrowdale, England in 1564.
What wide spread use are they talking about in 1564? No internet and a horse for transportation they had.

And before the pencil was invented, they used a silverpoint. The problem is solved, I guess,
  • A silverpoint drawing is made by dragging a silver rod or wire across a surface, often prepared with gesso or Chinese white ground.
  • Silverpoint is one of several types of metalpoint used by scribes, craftsmen and artists since ancient times.
  • Metalpoint styli were used for writing on soft surfaces (wax or bark), ruling and underdrawing on parchment, and drawing on prepared paper and panel supports.
  • For drawing purposes, the essential metals used were lead, tin and silver.
  • The softness of these metals made them effective drawing instruments.
  • Goldsmiths also used metalpoint drawings to prepare their detailed, meticulous designs.
  • Albrecht Dürer's father was one such craftsman who later taught his young son to draw in metalpoint, to such good effect that his 1484 Self-Portrait at the Age of 13 is still considered a masterpiece.

Naturally, who needed pencils, when you can take a metal stick and draw something like this in 1484?



Then we have measurement units. What did they use in the past? They used body parts.

Not only do I say, good luck measuring something like that for construction, but this is such a clever way to hide giants from history. King John Doe was tall for his time, standing at 6 feet tall. Whose feet?

Now, try building the Cologne Cathedral using some metalpoint for blueprints, and body part measurements for ordering construction parts.
  • Construction of Cologne Cathedral began in 1248 but was halted in the years around 1560, unfinished.
  • Attempts to complete the construction began around 1814 but the project was not properly funded until the 1840s.
  • The edifice was completed to its original Medieval plan in 1880.
But more than anything, I want to know the material this "medieval" 369 y.o. (in 1868) crane was made of.


KD: It's like, should we start looking for construction robots and some type of computer or mechanical numerical control in the past? How do you build something like this Milan Cathedral using metalpoints and arm lengths. Not like we have any credible evidence of that anyways.

Milan Cathedral

Customer: “I’d like to place an order for 10,000 boards, each two hands wide”
Merchant: “Whose hand? Your hand or my hand?”
Customer: “The king’s hand, you imbecile”
Merchant: “How wide then is the king’s hand?”
Customer: “errr…”
The doorways of the Cologne Cathedral do look giant sized.

I looked on the Googler for closeups of the doors and couldn't find any.

Does anyone know if the doors are original and does the construction/material match the time period they were hung?
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Yeah, I've been thinking about the eye thing too. That's what we are stuck with... reading between the lines.
I think what Sonofabor is asking us to ponder together is:

HOW did they manage to write/alter all the accounts of history?

Meaning, after the most recent restart of civilization, did the wealthiest survivors pay millions of scribes to do it, or did the wealthiest survivors use some computer-based technology to do it? Or were "they" not merely the wealthiest survivors, but instead some other beings altogether: some alien overlords using THEIR even higher-level (seemingly magic to us) technology?

For example, Usselo has made a good case for the idea that we are bio-robots originally created/altered by malicious alien overlords, and then goes even further to speculate the current alien overlords are trying to train us to become better (with the unspoken implication that the current alien overlords are being benevolent, which would thus imply a totally different group of alien overlords?)

(And by the way, since we live inside a concave hollow earth, don't imagine aliens coming from 'outer space', since 'outer space' is actually just a 14,000 km diameter ball sitting within the center of our concave hollow earth cavity, so we are really talking about aliens who arrived from underground tunnels [at the south pole and elsewhere] which connect this concave hollow earth cavity to other concave hollow earth cavities, like a huge [infinite?] block of SWISS-CHEESE, with each air-bubble being a separate concave hollow earth cavity, with the point being that when one group moves from one of those air-bubbles to the other air-bubble, via inter-bubble tunnels, when they arrive and start creating/altering the residents, the residents label those travelers/creators "aliens". But anyway, when discussing such aliens, let's not be pulled into the space hoax, because again, the ball in the center of the concave hollow earth is merely 14,000 km in diameter, with Jupiter for example being merely the size of a basketball, so such a tiny 'space' is not where the 'aliens' originate. Think of them emerging out of underground/underwater tunnels, even though they then have ships which fly in the sky.)

So again, back to the original question, HOW did they manage to write/alter all the accounts of history? Did they use computers/magic technology to do all the writing, or did they merely pay lots of (millions of) scribes? And who, by the way, is "they": was it merely the wealthiest surviving humans or was it some other type of beings (d.g. aliens, or humans with a little extra alien DNA and/or alien technology?

As Sonofabor wrote: "We come to the point that only meta-physical explanations (in the the sense that the physics we know fails) can help us explain what we intuit, perceive and know."

I think that Sonofabor (just like me, just like many of us) is trying to find an answer to something like this: "We intuit, perceive and know: all these 'historical artifacts/documents/stories' are all fabricated forgeries purposefully fooling humans about the actual history of humans, so the question is: HOW did the planners of this massive history hoax do it? When they fabricated all the (millions of) 'historical artifacts/documents/stories', what technique/magic/metaphysical/technology did they use?"

So Sonofabor (leaving my slightly-off-topic comment about concave earth aside) please let us know, is this "exactly HOW did they fabricate all the 'historical artifacts/documents/stories', what techniques did they use' question indeed the question which you are hoping this thread will discuss, Sonofabor? :)
Well, we have the written narrative not matching multiple instances of physical evidence. Kinda like the narrative was superimposed onto the evidence, or vice versa. Yet, certain things in the narrative correspond to the physical evidence, but do not match.


I am not sure it is logistically possible using conventional means. What does it leave us with?

Meanwhile, we can’t even explain the 1906 SF calamity.
I do believe that science has set boundaries for our minds. Artificial boundaries. There is no feasible or viable explanation for something that exists beyond the confines of what we believe is possible.

I don’t believe this, but perhaps our world is the result of some being’s imagination or will. They could change the physical aspects of our world by a mere thought, including every page of every book, every leaf on every tree… provided they remembered to. Maybe the inconsistencies we discover are simply lapses in judgment or thoroughness; complacency. Think Dark City.
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Today, I had a discussion in town with a very brilliant woman, who has much more experience in these areas of research than me. We concurred that the more we research these topics, the more profoundly "spiritual" we have become.

I don't have any clear and absolute answers. Juan O Savin, "a personal emissary of Donald Trump," according to the late Robert David Steele, said, matter-of-factly, that the Greek gods were present at 9/11. The interviewer, not being clued in like we are, completely missed the opportunity to pursue this disclosure. I'm pretty sure that forces well beyond what we are-- in our present chaotic condition-- are making moves. We have evidence everywhere.

Recently, I found this fellow, Christian Sibley (or Christian 21), and his thesis is that Reptilians (possessed by demons) have run this planet for 6,000 years. They have turned the reincarnation system into a slave-labor food source. Christian 21 states that the reptilians reset this place periodically. Big things are coming according to him.

Here are some videos put together by someone unknown to me that explain Christian Sibley's thoughts:

Watched all 3 videos. The last one is talking about something we can relate to, for we see certain things with our own eyes. Parts of the second one are kinda understandable for certain things can be scientifically explored, or at least that’s what some scientists can claim they are capable of researching.

The first one I’m not buying until I understand where the knowledge comes from.

As far as Greek Gods being present at 9/11… looking at Washington DC it’s not hard to imagine (for some) that this could be possible. Yet it's still crazy fascinating that it might have been said, and the Gods might have been present. A possible fact that we do have individuals with knowledge... well, looks like there are some out there.
I certainly don't like to go far out, always suspicious I'll get caught in some kind of mind-control (intelligence agency) trap. But, in the face of all the data, I'm looking to piece together the puzzle (see above). Even Info Wars came out with a reptilian video today. A long way from where I was a few years ago, I see this presentation as almost mainstream and gives me reason to distrust it. But the facts are: people have been talking about and depicting reptile beings for a long time. See Jordan Maxwell.
That was my immediate, knee jerk reaction too: where is this info from? What is there to support or corroborate it? Or at the very least suggest it? It seems to borrow some of the Mormon veil concept.

It’s fascinating indeed, but also the audio quality is terrible while the visual theatrics are… a higher caliber.

I have many questions, but I have this ominous feeling that it ends with us having a glass of koolaid.
As far as Greek Gods being present at 9/11… looking at Washington DC it’s not hard to imagine (for some) that this could be possible. Yet it's still crazy fascinating that it might have been said, and the Gods might have been present. A possible fact that we do have individuals with knowledge... well, looks like there are some out there.
At one point over the past couple years, Juan O Savin said in passing during an interview "There's a guy in Seattle doing some pretty good research." I supposed he was referring to you, not me (smiles). Of course, the interviewer completely missed this clue.

References such as this are about the only reason I have any hope of avoiding the Kool-Aid cocktail (see above).
Interesting and totally off topic… I’m also (still/currently) in Seattle. I love Seattle but I hate it here, and I can’t yet bring myself to leave despite the mounting reasons to.

In another unrelated online life of mine… I gravitated to and became rather close with two other kindred spirits… only to find one is in Yakima and the other in Portland.
(And by the way, since we live inside a concave hollow earth, don't imagine aliens coming from 'outer space', since 'outer space' is actually just a 14,000 km diameter ball sitting within the center of our concave hollow earth cavity, so we are really talking about aliens who arrived from underground tunnels [at the south pole and elsewhere] which connect this concave hollow earth cavity to other concave hollow earth cavities, like a huge [infinite?] block of SWISS-CHEESE, with each air-bubble being a separate concave hollow earth cavity, with the point being that when one group moves from one of those air-bubbles to the other air-bubble, via inter-bubble tunnels, when they arrive and start creating/altering the residents, the residents label those travelers/creators "aliens".
As KD has shown in his first video, the question of the shape of the earth is very important to this entire puzzle. It may very well be that this plane extends out beyond what we can imagine or easily know. I haven't pursued the concave earth theory, but I have looked at "crater earth"-- primarily because one of its chief proponents, godgevlamste, makes such interesting connections about the gods, time, the hive mind and history. (His best argument for the crater is that the space shuttle and other such vehicles head off parallel after blasting off; for they are literally, according to him, seeking out other craters or other worlds. His material argument falls apart for me when he shows his maps; for I've flown many, many times over Japan from Taiwan and China on route to the Pacific Northwest).

In any case, there appear to be correlations between what you describe above, godgevlamste and, even, Christian 21-- insofar as the basic idea that others access our current space, which I consider to be something of a terrarium. Parasites, lizards, demons, aliens...all seem possible, and it seems to me there is evidence for all of them.

I come at the subject of stolen history primarily as a type of poet (though I rarely write it) and as a person trained in philosophy and anthropology. We live in a world that, as @Recognition has recently shown, feels far from our own. We are at home but somehow strangers to it. On the other hand, science fiction writer and prophet, Philip K Dick, wrote that we're the "Divine Invasion" of this realm. Frankly, I don't know. But I'm leaning to the idea that, if we're a divine invasion, the rulers of this world have learned how to circumvent our capacities by sending us through an "amnesia vortex" after our earthly deaths, wiping our memories, and birthing us again in, probably, genetically altered clones. The continual resets of the physical reality are part of their on-going efforts to stave off our invasion, and they seem to find sustenance from us in this deeply damaged condition. Because we've been so wiped and our world so altered, those of us with any lingering memory or objective capacities, experience this world in a most estranged, uncanny, fashion.
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