Just ran into some interesting info within the below 18th century books. What do you think about the following?
As far as we know, the official PTB date for the discovery of the "New World" is 1492. For Florida we have the following data:
KD: What do you think? Why do we have this 1479 date?
As far as we know, the official PTB date for the discovery of the "New World" is 1492. For Florida we have the following data:
- In 1513, Ponce de León led the first known European expedition to La Florida, which he named during his first voyage to the area.
- Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, who led the first European expedition to Florida in 1513, named the state in tribute to Spain’s Easter celebration known as “Pascua Florida,” or Feast of Flowers.
KD: What do you think? Why do we have this 1479 date?
- Who was this John Depony?
- And I'm not talking about the natives being white. In the language paragraph... do they imply that Florida was isolated after its discovery?