Mud Flood, Dirt Rain, and the story of the Buried Buildings

Apparently, there is this theory in Russia, that Peter the Great was not the founder of Saint Petersburg. He did not build it, he dug it out. Yes, you heard it right. Supposedly, a whole lot of dirt was removed, and from beneath emerged the city. This is clearly not an official version. Yet, there are some reasons for this theory to exist, especially after looking at the engravings done by Giovanni Battista Piranesi.

Piranesi was creating his immortal art in the 18th century. The buildings I wanted to talk about, for the most part were constructed in the 19th. Yet, these building have clearly accumulated quite a few feet of the so-called "cultural layer". Some might say that those buildings settled down with time. The other explanation would be that these buildings were built this way.

For better visualization of what I'm talking about, let us take a look at the image below.


Basically what we have is a building, with the bottom floor windows looking different from the windows above. These windows in question are either entirely, or partially below the ground level. Here are a few buildings demonstrating this trait.

Additional variations may include the below.

Let us contemplate some of the official explanations:
  • Cultural Layer version
Byproduct of human life cycle it is, so to speak. In other words, with time, we produce elements (dirt, trash, horse dodo ) raising the surface level. Archaeological science estimates this accumulation to be just under 1/2 inches every 100 years. It adds up to about 50 inches every 100 years.
So what they are saying is that your house is getting buried in dirt and crap, and instead of sweeping the dirt away, you wait till it entirely buries the first floor. Then you use one of the second floor windows and make yourself a new door, because the actual one is 6 feet under. I do not know about you, but I do not buy it. There are plenty of city photos showing these very same buildings at the exact same level 100 ears ago.
  • Settle down version
My understanding is that with time a building could to sink into ground due to, for example, vibration, or ground density. I had a little retaining wall in my back yard. Did not do it right the first time, and it settled down, alright. Never took a picture, but was able to find an example. It sure did not settle down leveled.


Now let us see if a building that long can settle down perfectly leveled in relation to its original position.


Probably not so much.

The city is built on a mixture of clay and volcanic soil, it is drowning, causing dangerous cracks in its buildings.
Not buying this explanation either. If some building was built on the soft dirt, and settled down, it would be obvious. Also, these "settle down" instances, would not be epidemic, but rather sporadic limited to a few specific locations. Yet, we have this "buried" buildings in just about every country of the world. And giving builders some credit, they would probably figure out how to handle the issue of unsettled, or soft dirt.
  • Buildings were built this way version
Well, there might be a design of a building with first floor windows looking at the dirt wall, but there has to be a mighty special reason to design in such a peculiar way. Also, the results of some excavations I show below, demonstrate that there is no way those building were designed "that way". So, I am not buying this one either.

Here, a gentleman has to do some acrobatics to enter the building.
A very common issue they have in Denmark, I've heard.


Now let us look at some of the buildings freed from multiple feet of dirt. The below images are primarily from Russia, but doubt the results would be any different for any other country.

In the above images we can clearly see doors cut out above actual excavated doors. Which means there was another door before, but for whatever reason it ended up 10 feet below the ground level.

Just below you can see two pictures of the Russian Winter Palace located in Saint Petersburg. On the 18th century engraving you can see what it looked like when the engraving was done. And right below it, is what Winter Palace looks like today. 1/3 of this structure is currently located under the ground level. Guess how many history professors can tell you why. Actually all of them, probably. It is 20 feet of accumulated "cultural layer", I bet.

The problem we have, pertains to the age of these buildings. They are not that old. Supposedly they were built in the 19th century, with some even in the 20th. Occasionally we have 18th and 17th. Yet, the history does not provide any specific account for an event of such magnitude. I know I was not taught of anything which could have caused this in the 19th century.

This issue is not Russia specific. It is very common in Europe. I'm pretty sure people people in London are very familiar with the type of sunk buildings I'm talking about. But it also exists in the United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, countries of South Africa, and South America. These buried buildings are all over the place (will update with various countries pictures later).

Below is Seattle. One photo is Pioneer square, and the other
one is not far from the University of Washington.

Pioneer_square_Seattle_1.jpg UW_2.jpg

spain_1.jpg spain_2.jpg spain_3.jpg

england_2.jpg manchester_19_century.jpg

denmark.jpg denmark_3.jpg denmark1.jpg

Czech Republic
CzechRepublic_1.jpg CzechRepublic_2.jpg

KD: This list could go on and on. Yet we know nothing of what might have caused it. This is a lot of dirt to arrive unnoticed. Do you know where it came from?
A Himalayan glacial dma just broke and dropped 10' of silt is some areas. Another happened last year. There's video. So, we know what happens in areas close to mountains and glaciers.
I am not aware of any mountains in or around the city of Moscow. Judging by one of the most recent examples of soil liquefication we observed in Indonesia, mountains are not always required.
The mud, gravel, rocks, sand, coal, oil, and other carbon compounds came from the sky(there was an upper sky ring(s) and bands during this time) during the resets. There is a very hard layer of soil called called the "hard pan" made of ground rocks and clay which is the lowest layer before you hit limestone and granite layers. The "hard pan" is the first layer and most destructive layer that came from the "waters above" which were full of heavy materials of the "the speckled serpent" description. These cloud layers were revolving around the earth at fantastic speeds and the "hard pan" ring when it smashed into the earth ground and scratched the rocks with terrible ferocity. Saturn is the model of what the earth looked like with rings and heavy bands of speckled cloud "snakes". In the Norse myths of Ragnarok, the wolf's mouth is seen swallowing the sun, and moon and sky with its top jaw stretching across the sky and coming down to earth as you looked north as it contacted the lower atmosphere and ground is the description of the ring or band as it lowered in the sky. In the beginning the earth was a caldron of super heated elements which cooked the various materials that eventually came to ground during resets after losing revolving and heat energy over vast periods of time. That is why oil, coal and other carbon materials are not oxidized and can be used to create power through combining with atmospheric oxygen.
Nature is simplex: from simple laws complex phenomena occur. Why does Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus have revolving belts that circle at 24 hours like the earths period? Why is Jupiter and Saturn producing more heat than they get from the sun? Mythology tells us things in code and this is why it is so difficult to understand because their world was vastly different than ours. Does not nature make all flowers in the same way with few exceptions? It makes worlds in the same simplex manner.
I was just thinking about this supposed mud flood subject earlier today. There is a website I may have mentioned from time to time. It concerns archaeology in the SE USA. The author had mentioned last year-

"we have mentioned town sites occupied at least as early as 1000 BC that were abandoned around 1700 AD or town sites, covered in five to 15 feet by alluvial sand.
Above the sand stratum, all of the artifacts were those typical of European manufacture in the 1700s and early 1800s.
Below the sand stratum there was a continuously evolving record of Native American presence going back to the Ice Age. In soil nearest the sand stratum was a mixture of the finest quality Lamar pottery and either 16th or 17th century European artifacts – mostly weapons, axes and copper pots.'
Mysterious event devastated the southern Blue Ridge Mountains around 1700 AD

The author has mentioned this several times. It appears that the area in question was wiped out so thoroughly that there were not even any survivors to tell people that a disaster had even occured. Or in other words, this area was buried, no surviving people were even aware that it had been buried, after it was buried other people moved back into the area and just continued on as if they had moved into an uninhabited spot.

Anyway, it occurred to me that perhaps what we take to be a simultaneous 'mud flood' all over the world at the same time may have been a series of events. With the human population in the past apparently being much smaller and predominantly existing in discrete areas with little or no habitation in between, I think it would be at least possible that events such as that author describes to have happened on other occasions.
I was just thinking about this more later, how you might find places where this had happened. I was thinking of the orphan trains, which I think have their own thread here somewhere. I just looked quickly and it seems like the orphan trains were mostly coming from the northeast USA to other parts of the country. I honestly have not read the threads here or really looked into the orphan trains. I know it was a big thing a couple of years ago. But on wiki it says the kids were children of people who died in disease outbreaks, or their parents died some other way, or the parents were too poor to take care of them. That sounds somewhat reasonable, but I would question why this was mostly a problem in that one area. I wonder if there are any areas that are uninhabited today in the northeast, that might have been populated back then.
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The mud, gravel, rocks, sand, coal, oil, and other carbon compounds came from the sky

Thinking about the 'from the sky' concept.

Lately I've been reading about the jet stream described as "freak winds", "record winds", "pushing planes to supersonic speeds". It seems the jetstream is possibly speeding up.

Notice when people use leaf blowers all the dust/dirt/rocks/whatnot is blown out of the way and into the sky settling somewhere else, like on a neighbors car. The result is different than hitting the same area with a water hose.

Comparing the jetstream to a leaf blower if the jetstream was to come down and blow across the fruited plain wouldn't the same thing happen as the leaf blower but a much larger scale? I don't think these houses, as example, can withstand sustained winds of 250mph+ and would end up in the sky along with the dirt and everything else surrounding the house. Eventually all the dirt would settle and like snow bury everything. This could explain why the buildings are still intact Vs a flood which would likely push the buildings along with the mud.

So instead of a mud flood could everything have been buried by a freak windstorm?
Interestingly many fantasy & sci-fi movies tell a tale of a cosmic war where the end result is a total destruction and meltdown of cities into mountains, rouble and desert. DUNE II does not only hint at this in so many ways but also shows us tech and thee end results for those with eyes to see.

Below is a video of two Italians investigating geology in Finland, a neighbour of Russia and St.Petersburg, from a perspective of 1800's Reset. I ve been to those and many other places there myself and seen devastation looking with same mindset.

I know this is kind of a contrarian opinion, but I just wanted to put it out there for comment. I was looking at a photo on another thread of NYC in 1890s. It looked like there was a huge pile of trash in front of a building off to the side in the photo.

It just made me think, what if the buildings were just buried under their own trash?

I remember speaking to someone who was in Singapore in the 60s. That person said that at that time, the sides of the apartment buildings facing away from the road from the airport into town were buried under trash that went up higher than the first floor of the buildings.

If there was no regular trash collection, I wonder if the cities just got buried by their own inhabitants?
So instead of a mud flood could everything have been buried by a freak windstorm?
I've been drawn more to this thinking. It's like a very large wave coming inland in say Africa would kill all the vegetation leading to dust-bowl like conditions. Existing trade winds would then carry untold tons of soil and drop it wherever there's anything to block the wind such as a city. The same thing used to happen in the American southwest around any old house or obstacle burying it a short number of years. With this much soil deposition they are of course labelled as thousands of years old despite perhaps being only several hundred.

Where I live in Texas is now covered in vegetation and trees while in the pictures and description my parents gave from moving here 50+ years ago it was in their words "bald as an egg". All the soil being moved for development is contiguous and red. Meaning it isn't the result of anything slow. It contains no rocks/sticks/roots or anything but reddish sandy soil sometimes 20-50 or more feet deep. A neighbor even owns one of the few places where that red baseball diamond soil can be obtained. They started a "dirt-work" business that ships to as far as Japan and China just for baseball fields. Other places like outside Lubbock are one of those "flat as a pancake" areas covered in a very fine soil easily moved by wind and happens to be great for peanut farming.

Of course, here's our Courthouse with the apparently buried windows and stairs to the second floor. This is supposedly right after construction was finished but as usual the contrast has been blown out and any apparatus on top is cut off in the photo. They even left vent holes so the lower windows don't mildew. When I was a kid we had a elementary school trip to see the downstairs/basement? where records were kept. All of the exterior walls down there were covered in metal sheets so nothing of the original interior could be seen. Now, since counties say they can't afford the upkeep, these are beginning to actually be sold to huge corporations who will no doubt find a reason to remove them and put up some glass block monstrosity instead.

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