Recent content by gilgamesh

  1. gilgamesh

    Emperors of the USA: Norton I and Aaron I

    I think the 6 is standing out the most. The 9 seems at least similar to the 9 that's a bit higher, next to "Mexico". But then again, the 9 in 1939 at the bottom is quite different from the rest too.
  2. gilgamesh

    1818: American Tartarian, or Hunting Indian

    Hello KD, you are right. As far as I know the public is still not sure where the word "eskimo" originated (same can obviously be said about Tartarian) and to be honest, this is the first time I see it spelled like this. As always, questions only lead to more questions.
  3. gilgamesh

    1818: American Tartarian, or Hunting Indian

    Could Tartarian mean "wanderer" in this context, and the author just used it for the lack of knowledge? I've read somewhere here in the comments (I believe it was from an old book) that Tartarians were just supposed to mean wanderers, hence so many "tribes" and mentions of Tartarians on old maps...
  4. gilgamesh

    Continent of North America does not exist... or could it be a part of Asia?

    Interesting thing to point out - here in the Czech Republic (and Slovakia too) we still have a saying that freely translated basically means "as a Tartar / Tatar" - to describe that a person did something completely wrong and misunderstood the whole situation. You use that phrase as for example...
  5. gilgamesh

    Ancient Romans built the General Post Office of Dublin

    Hello KD, I was really excited to see the map of "religiousness" - basically all Christians around that time, right? Should be. Well I just recently visited an area close to where I live that's know for a lot of castles and chateus, temples, etc. Allegedly all build around 1800's, or renovated...
  6. gilgamesh

    TV Show | Silo

    Hello KD, I've watched it. It's pretty much exactly what's going on here, where we live. SPOILER ALERT There is a Silo, sort of a bunker hiding the poppulation from a dangerous wasteland outside. The silo was supposedly built by The Ancestors, implying throughout the show (and confirmed at...